Clarence Thomas signals interest in making it easier to sue media

June 27th, 2022 --

There you have it, Kash Patel, who stood up his Fight With Kash Legal Offensive Trust and soon to be, The Kash Foundation, was ahead of his time. The media ran wild all over the Trump Presidency with the Russiagate hoax, pounding the lie night after night on main stream media outlets. It became obvious that the media, the institution sanctioned to uphold free speech, the right bestowed to the American people with the first amendment of the constitution, had become corrupted with nefarous corporate interests. Protected by the first amendment, the media has unique legal protection, and with that, it also has a unique reponsibility. 

Rather than handling that responsibility with care, it has become the propoganda outlet for the deep state, which has now been made public through John Durham's investigations into the spygate joint venture consiracy. 

Per The Hill: 
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday expressed a desire to revisit a landmark 1964 ruling that makes it relatively difficult to bring successful lawsuits against media outlets for defamation.
Thomas’s statement came in response to the court’s decision to turn away an appeal from a Christian nonprofit group who disputed their characterization by the civil rights watchdog group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

We are at a point in American history where the overreach of power is largely coming from major coorporations, with the implementation of ESG from the banking system and the immenent implimentation of a digital money system, there will be greater opportunities for corporations to grab control and freedoms from people. To control the flow of information into the consciousness of the American people is a power that must be checked, and we are glad that Justice Thomas is speaking up at this time. 

Here is the background on Justice Thomas's recent statement: 
Thomas’s statement came in response to the court’s decision to turn away an appeal from a Christian nonprofit group who disputed their characterization by the civil rights watchdog group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Coral Ridge Ministries Media sued the SPLC for defamation for listing them as a hate group on their public database, which led to Amazon excluding Coral Ridge as a recipient of charitable contributions from online shoppers.

Thomas dissented from the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the lawsuit, which had been dismissed by lower courts for failing to overcome the decades-old legal standard, established in the landmark 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan decision, that public figures who sue for defamation must not only prove defendants made defamatory statements, but that those statements were made with “actual malice.”

“This case is one of many showing how New York Times and its progeny have allowed media organizations and interest groups ‘to cast false aspersions on public figures with near impunity,’” Thomas wrote.

“SPLC’s ‘hate group’ designation lumped Coral Ridge’s Christian ministry with groups like the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazis,” the justice added. “It placed Coral Ridge on an interactive, online ‘Hate Map’ and caused Coral Ridge concrete financial injury by excluding it from the AmazonSmile donation program. Nonetheless, unable to satisfy the ‘almost impossible’ actual-malice standard this Court has imposed, Coral Ridge could not hold SPLC to account for what it maintains is a blatant falsehood.”

As many of you know, that is what we are here to do, hold the media accountable. We're cheering you on, Justice Thomas. 

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